
Balavihar for the year 2012-13 will start at Cross Roads South Middle School at 10 a.m. on September 16th.

For registering online, visit

We are looking forward for a fun filled year of learning and growing at our balavihar!

December 19th Class


* सहनाववतु - Om sahanaavavatu (My prayers, pg. 6)
* वक्रतुण्ड महाकाया - vakratuNDa mahaakaayaa
* सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यम् - saraswati namastubhayam (My prayers, pg. 44)
* गुरुर्ब्रह्मा - gururbrahmaa (My prayers, pg. 9, 3rd shloka of 'gurustotram')
* समुद्रवसने देवी - samudravasane devI 

  • गणेश शरणम् - gaNesha sharaNam (My prayers, pg. 7)
Meditation: 1 minute

Geeta Chanting: Chapter 11, shloka 1 - 6 shlokas

Story: bharataa's reaction; chitrakUta - brother's meet

Words of the week: paaduka; chitrakUTa; jaTaa; parNakuteera

Likhita japa: Practice writing 'राम'

Activity: Coloring pages of  raama's praNakutIra in chitrakUTa and bharata receiving the paaduka-s from raama; quiz!

Game time: raamaH vadati

End of class:
  • पूर्णमदः - Om poornamadaH.


Rashmi aunty and Kusuma aunty:
In today's class, after our regular prayers, we did a session of chanting 'gaNesha sharaNam...'.  The energy level was so much that we all ending it laughing to the speed at which we were going :).  We then practiced saying the first 6 geeta shlokas.  Most kids are comfortable with the first 3 to 4 verses. Do keep up the practice during the break.  We will also be adding verses 7 and 8 in the next month.  We want the most participation from the class.  We have been told that there might be an ice-cream or pizza party for the class with most participants!

In the story time, we heard about bharata's reaction on receiving the news of raama going to the forest and also his father's passing away.  He was shocked blunt!  He could not believe what he was hearing from his mother.  He never ever wanted to be the king in place of raama.  He was flabbergasted and stunned all at once.  He then with a shameful face went to see mother kaushalya and sumitraa.  He fell at their feet and asked for forgiveness.  His brother shatrughna was right behind him.  They spent the whole night talking about raama's valor, kind heart, calm, honesty and such.  bharata was then urge to perform the rituals for his departed father.  Then bharata vowed that he will not become the king.  He dressed just like raama and decided to go the the forest and bring raama back.  Everyone suddenly became hopeful that their beloved raama might come back to the city.  The whole city went with bharata, looking for raama.  Even kaikeyi, who was repenting her actions now, wept and went looking for raama.  When they came near guha's tribe, they thought bharata was coming to kill raama and got ready to fight him.  But on seeing his ascetic robes, they were perplexed.  bharata was grief stricken to learn that everyone thought he was raama's enemy.  When guha felt bharata's pain and his true love for raama, he offered hospitality to all the people and took good care of them.

Aunty told a side story where, when guha was introduced to kaushalya, he prostrated to her.  He was introduced to sumitraa and he prostrated to her as well.  Then, when he was introduced to kaikeyi, he prostrated twice to her!  Everyone was surprised.  When asked, he explained that, because of her, he got to see raama!  Isn't that so noble of him!! Instead of seeing her as an evil person, he saw the good that came out of it!  If that approach is embraced, won't life be so beautiful.

Then the whole army followed the directions to chitrakUTa.  On hearing all the commotion, lakShmaNa climbed up a tree to see what was happening in the forest.  When he saw bharata's troop coming from a distance, he was enraged.  He picked up his bow and arrows, ready to fight him, assuming that he had come to kill raama.  But then, raama kept his calm as always.  He knew his brother bharata very well.  He asked lakShmaNa to relax.  He did not think bharata was here to harm them.  Upon his arrival, they were perplexed to see his costume as well.  bharata fell at raama's feet and begged his forgiveness and asked him to come back to ayodhyaa, now that even dasharatha was no more.  raama was shocked to hear this.  He had not known about his father's demise.  He mourned his father and performed the oblations with a heavy heart.  bharata pleaded him to return, but raama would not listen.  He had to keep his promise.  bharata did not want to be the king.  Finally maharshI vasiShTa suggested that bharata rule the kingdom in raama name until his return.  bharata said that he would lead the life of an ascetic even as he rules the kingdom.  He respectfully took raama's paadukaa-s (sandals) and placed them on his head.  He said he would place the paadukaa-s on the throne and  worship them, as if they were raama himself.  They all went back to ayodhyaa.

So that they won't have frequent visitors from ayodhyaa, raama, sIta and lakShmaNa decided to move deeper into the forest.  We were so curious to see what happened next, but had to stop there.

We then played a game of raamaH vadati and finished the class with the ending prayers.

Happy new year everyone!  See you all next year :). 


Ruchi aunty and Meera aunty:

It was a chilly morning and sure the attendance today was a little lower than usual. Anyways we all had our warm smiles to make the day brighter and warmer. As usual we started with morning shlokas followed by two minute meditation. Geeta Chanting was next. We did seven shlokas today. We all chanted very loud and clear. We all have to practice at home so we don't forget our shlokas when we meet in January.
Story time was about Bharata coming home to find that King Dashrata was no more and how his mother had planned for him to become the King. Also we covered the part where Bharata went to Chitrakoota to meet Rama and requested him to come back to Ayodhya. We had an interesting discussion about what one would do if a choice was given to us whether we can become a king or live in Vanavasa for 14 years. Kids shared what they would do and then they gave us their thought on what Rama would do in such a situation.
We did the coloring book and did the question and answers on chapter 13.
We closed with the aarti and pledge.
Please stay warm and have a very Happy Holidays!! See you all on Jan. 9th.