
Balavihar for the year 2012-13 will start at Cross Roads South Middle School at 10 a.m. on September 16th.

For registering online, visit

We are looking forward for a fun filled year of learning and growing at our balavihar!

November 20th Class review

         We started our class with 3 loud Oms followed by the Shanthi mantraram Om Sahana vavathu. We talked about the importance of lighting the lamps or diyas at home everyday. We set up the altar with guru dev and Goddess Sarawathi's pictures. The children learned that the head of the Chinmaya mission is Swami Tejomayananda. Homework for this week is meaning of the word 'Chinmaya'. Parents please help children research this.
The children then moved on to one minute meditation with couting of the marbles in the metal cup. We urge them to practice this at home as well, so they can calm their minds and concentrate better.

We reviewed the first and second verse of the gita chapter 12 a few times and started on the third verse.

verse 1
 Arjuna Uvaacha:
Evam satatayuktaa ye bhaktaastwaam paryupaasate;
Ye chaapyaksharamavyaktam teshaam ke yogavittamaah.

verse 2 Sri Bhagavaan Uvaacha:  
Mayyaaveshya mano ye maam nityayuktaa upaasate;
Shraddhayaa parayopetaaste me yuktatamaa mataah.
verse 3
 Ye tvaksharamanirdeshyam avyaktam paryupaasate;
Sarvatragamachintyam cha kootasthamachalam dhruvam.

      After the children enthusiastically recounted the events that they had heard in previous classes we moved to the next phase of the story. Today the children heard about how Rama was calm and controlled when his father asked him to exile to the forest. On the other hand Lakshmana was furious. But Rama would not let him fight Kaikeyi. It is a son's first and foremost duty to fulfill a father's wish/command. Rama also says that Kaikeyi had been most noble till now. This had to happen as God wished it so. It is the way the Lord works. Nothing but good will come to good. Rama asked Lakshmana not to be swayed by emotion.
     After giving away their wealth and belongings Rama, Sita and Lakshmana went to Dasaratha to take leave. But Dasaratha was desperate to hold on to Rama. The old king asked Rama not to obey his command. But Rama would not swerve from the path of Dharma. The king asked him to leave the following day. Rama would not delay his departure. He said "Tomorrow will always come". Rama, Sita and Lakshmana departed from Ayodhya but the people followed them.
We ended the class with coloring the chapter 10 picture. Hari Om.